Why my Book '' The Outbreak of A Monstrous Infection'' Best Crime thriller, Best Suspense thriller, Best mystery thriller and Best political thriller 

My book '' The Outbreak of A Monstrous Infection'' is already a best-seller on Amazon. The book is set up in India, UAE, Switzerland and USA. This is a unique combination where the book is set up. Usually these kind of books are set up in either and /or in USA, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada or Middle East. 

In the plot in the story both the President and the Prime Minister of India die due to a spread of deadly virus. This book is very timely. The book was released in 2019 when there was no trace or indication of Coronavirus. This book touches the topic of bioterrorism in a very unique style, The plot is so good that many of my fans told me that they did not want to leave it till they finished the whole book in one setting. 

The book establishes me as a good science fiction and cozy mystery writer.

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